click on cartoon for more info on Out of Body Experiences
telling me that he was probably going to be a little late for the Memory
Brothers' show at Elsie's in Caledonia, Minnesota last Friday. He said
he was first going to go to a lecture there in Caledonia given by a guy
who'd been clinically dead and "came back" to tell about it. Neal was
telling me that this gentleman toured around the country and gave talks
regarding his Near Death Experience (NDE) and related Out-of-Body
Experience (OBE.)
Neal's mention of an Out-of-Body Experience triggered a memory of an occurrence that I've shared with very few people over the years. So I turned back the clock some 57 years and began telling Neal about my own little OBE.
When I was about 9, I had my tonsils out. The local family doctor, Dr. Wolf, did the surgery. I remember lying on a table in the operating room with Dr. Wolf peering down at me. He began talking in a soothing voice as he prepared the anesthesia.
"I see you've moved into a new house."
"And there's some pretty flowers in front of the house."
He placed a little white mask over my face and began applying ether to the mask using an eye dropper.
"How many flowers do you think there are . . are . . are . . are . . "
I'll never forget how his final words echoed like the dialog in a sci-fi movie!
The next thing I remembered was suddenly floating in one spot - about an inch from the ceiling - in the hallway of that new house of ours. I was just suspended there and looking down at the carpet.
I had a strange feeling of dread mixed with confusion. Am I dreaming? Can't be a dream - it's too real! Am I dead? Is this what it feels like to be dead??!! This strange little episode seemed to last for what seemed like an hour - but was probably only a few seconds.
The next thing I remembered was suddenly coming to on the operating table and seeing Dr. Wolf looking down at me. His hand moved quickly towards my face as he placed that white mask over my nose again..
Years later when I was in my mid-twenties, Dr. Wolf and I had by then forged a great friendship based on our love of music. In his living room sat a concert grand piano and a Hammond organ. On countless occasions, the two of us would play piano/organ duets (much to the chagrin of his wife and two daughters) from the early evening into the wee hours of the morning.
After our marathon concerts, we'd sit in the den with Chopin or Rachmaninoff softly playing in the background while while the good doctor would lecture me on religion and philosophy.
One time when our conversation had turned to the paranormal, I thought I'd bring up that odd, OBE experience, "You probably don't remember, but you took my tonsils out when I was about 10 years old and . . ."
"Oh yes! I do remember that well. We couldn't keep you under! Had to keep giving you anesthesia. Almost lost you!"
I wasn't sure if he was serious or pulling my leg about that last part as he did have a mischievous sense of humor. Too late to ask him now, cuz he's been gone nearly 40 years. But I'm pretty much convinced that I probably had what they now refer to as an Out-of-Body Experience - way back before it was in vogue!
I'm curious if any of you have had a similar experience. Please drop me an email if you'd like to share your story.
Neal's mention of an Out-of-Body Experience triggered a memory of an occurrence that I've shared with very few people over the years. So I turned back the clock some 57 years and began telling Neal about my own little OBE.
When I was about 9, I had my tonsils out. The local family doctor, Dr. Wolf, did the surgery. I remember lying on a table in the operating room with Dr. Wolf peering down at me. He began talking in a soothing voice as he prepared the anesthesia.
"I see you've moved into a new house."
"And there's some pretty flowers in front of the house."
He placed a little white mask over my face and began applying ether to the mask using an eye dropper.
"How many flowers do you think there are . . are . . are . . are . . "
I'll never forget how his final words echoed like the dialog in a sci-fi movie!
The next thing I remembered was suddenly floating in one spot - about an inch from the ceiling - in the hallway of that new house of ours. I was just suspended there and looking down at the carpet.
I had a strange feeling of dread mixed with confusion. Am I dreaming? Can't be a dream - it's too real! Am I dead? Is this what it feels like to be dead??!! This strange little episode seemed to last for what seemed like an hour - but was probably only a few seconds.
The next thing I remembered was suddenly coming to on the operating table and seeing Dr. Wolf looking down at me. His hand moved quickly towards my face as he placed that white mask over my nose again..
Years later when I was in my mid-twenties, Dr. Wolf and I had by then forged a great friendship based on our love of music. In his living room sat a concert grand piano and a Hammond organ. On countless occasions, the two of us would play piano/organ duets (much to the chagrin of his wife and two daughters) from the early evening into the wee hours of the morning.
After our marathon concerts, we'd sit in the den with Chopin or Rachmaninoff softly playing in the background while while the good doctor would lecture me on religion and philosophy.
One time when our conversation had turned to the paranormal, I thought I'd bring up that odd, OBE experience, "You probably don't remember, but you took my tonsils out when I was about 10 years old and . . ."
"Oh yes! I do remember that well. We couldn't keep you under! Had to keep giving you anesthesia. Almost lost you!"
I wasn't sure if he was serious or pulling my leg about that last part as he did have a mischievous sense of humor. Too late to ask him now, cuz he's been gone nearly 40 years. But I'm pretty much convinced that I probably had what they now refer to as an Out-of-Body Experience - way back before it was in vogue!
I'm curious if any of you have had a similar experience. Please drop me an email if you'd like to share your story.