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In winter-driving conditions, these chain reaction pileups could oftentimes be averted if drivers were to do two, simple things:

1) Slow down

2) Don't tailgate

I've logged over 2 million miles driving to and from band gigs over the years, so I feel I can speak with a little bit of authority. I see people driving too fast, distracted and too close all the time. And in the winter months, I see people driving as though the laws of physics don't apply to them.

I don't care how big your SUV or pickup is or whether you have all-wheel or four-wheel drive - when you hit a patch of wet ice, you will obey Newton's 1st law of motion:

" . . . an object will remain in motion in a straight line unless compelled to change by the action of an external force."

And that "external force" just may be the back end of that truck you're tailgating!

So with this bad weather moving in tonight and tomorrow, if you must be out and about on the roads, back off that accelerator and give yourself some extra distance from the guy in front of you.


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