Seven Up candy bar
Kellogg's Concentrate cereal
Vess soda pop
I KNOW, I KNOW! This article has nothing to do with music or dance or kitties. But this is my newsletter; so I get to write about whatever I want!

The other day I got to thinking about one of my all-time favorite candy bars - a fond memory from my youth - the Seven Up candy bar. And I wondered whatever happened to it.

Then I remembered my favorite cereal, Concentrate. It came in a gold-foil box.

Whoaa! Was that stuff ever gooood!!

And that reminiscence led to memories of a bright, yellow ambrosia that my grandmother used to stock in her basement fruit cellar. It came in a tall, clear bottle and was called Vess lemon soda!

Yummmmm! Whatever happened to Vess soda pop??

Of course now in 2018 with the internet and Google, all the above questions can be (and were) answered in a heartbeat. Just enter the product name in the Google search bar, press enter and voila! Mystery solved!

Nevertheless, a few more products from my youth came to mind - some good and some not-so-good, products such as Lik-m-aid, Fizzies and Java Cola. So then I got to asking some friends about products they remembered that are no longer available. Everyone seemed to have a favorite memory of something they loved that's no longer around.

So how about you? Do you have any long-lost favorites from your past - a candy bar you wished you could eat just one more time . . . or a shampoo that you loved that they just don't make anymore?

I'd be eager to hear from you and maybe share your memories in a future newsletter. Click here.

If above link doesn't work, simply submit your product memories to:


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