DURING THIS PANDEMIC, some bands have been doing online concerts, others
have been hosting Zoom meetings or posting on social media. Some
musical groups - ill-advisedly - have been continuing to perform live;
and during the last 10 months, a few of your favorite bands have simply
slipped into obscurity.
We've been keeping in touch with friends and fans primarily through this newsletter.
So while we wait out this pandemic, you can still enjoy the Memory Brothers' music virtually
by clicking on any of the thumbnails on this page. Each image leads to
either a Memory Brothers' video or to an original tune complete with
"liner notes!"
And at the very bottom of the page, we have a virtual stroll down memory
lane - revisiting the Rochester VFW on a fun Friday the 13th in 2012.
(Those VFW memories are precious, 'cuz now all that's left there is a
patch of grass!)
* * *
To be real honest, the end of this pandemic is not in sight; so I don't
know when we'll be back to performing "like the good ol' days."
Nevertheless via this newsletter, I promise to keep you apprised of any
encouraging developments.
So until we meet again, stay well and keep clicking!

Sunday, January 24, 2021