Dear friends,
I wish I were writing today to announce that the pandemic is officially over & everything's finally back to normal and that the Memory Brothers' schedule for 2021 is ready for your perusal!
But unfortunately, that's not the case.
A few months ago, I'd taken a hiatus from writing this weekly newsletter because there were no more gigs to promote. The newsletter content had shifted from music-related news to ruminations about the pandemic. It was beginning to sound like a broken record: “social distance,” “wear your face masks,” “wash your hands,” etc.
However due to troubling developments regarding this pandemic, I feel compelled to jump back on my soapbox to remind you all that we're still in the midst of a harrowing battle. To many, the battle's over (or never really existed in the first place,) although now we're truly at a crossroads.
Up until recently, we had seemingly “rounded the corner” with cases and deaths declining. But approximately three weeks ago, an overwhelming complacency swept over the public fueled by a false sense of security due to the vaccinations.
On March 10, I emailed the following note to a fellow musician in response to his inquiry regarding Russ Guyer (former Memory Brother) who had just passed away two days prior:
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Well now, three weeks later here are the headlines:
Virus surges in early hot spots
Virus cases up in Iowa, echoing national trend
The Waterloo Courier
Iowa COVID cases jump sharply, test positivity among the highest in nation
PERRY BEEMAN | Iowa Capital Dispatch
And just today according to an Associated Press article, President Biden announced that too many Americans are declaring virus victory too quickly, stating: “This is deadly serious” - urging governors to reinstate mask mandates and other restrictions that some states have been easing.
The Iowa Capital Dispatch article (above) was forwarded to me today by my good friend, Claudia Warner. Claudia has always been one to speak her mind, and I applaud what she writes:
"The attitude of the non-maskers is disgusting. Their lack of responsibility and selfish demands are putting us all at risk again in the next few weeks. I am finding that many who I thought were intelligent, caring persons have no concern for the welfare of others."
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During 2020 and most of 2021, my phone and email inbox have been pretty quiet regarding bookings. However for the past two weeks, the floodgates have burst open; and I've been receiving literally dozens of calls and emails from curious club owners, music bookers and folks from the dance community asking when we're starting up again.
All I can say is people just don't get it! Everyone's jumping back into life-as-we-knew-it, 'cuz they're all "COVID fatigued." But what Harvard's Dr. Ashish Jha said way back in June is more germane now than ever:
"We may be done with the pandemic, but the pandemic is not done with us.”
This virus is crafty in the way that it's mutating. With the emergence of possible vaccine-resistant variants coupled with the public's arrogant sense of invulnerability (due in part to these "Emergency Use Authorization" vaccines,) we're careening down a treacherous slope!
Be smart and play it safe. It's not over 'til it's over!
Tuesday, March 30, 2021