Click above to download ChatGPT
UNLESS YOU LIVE IN A CAVE, you've probably seen (or heard) the term "ChatGPT" sometime during the last couple of months. But if you're like me, you probably didn't pay much attention; 'cuz understanding something with such a cryptic string of letters just seemed too daunting.

Well, ChatGPT was released to the public on November 22, 2022; and I'm going to demystify this amazing—what should I call it . . . um, how about "tool." It's something that may very well make your life simpler—I've found it very useful in the one short week that I've been using it.


ChatGPT is a virtual assistant that's smarter than Siri, more helpful than Alexa and more entertaining than your Uncle Doug. Developed by the geniuses at OpenAI, ChatGPT is like having your very own personal Einstein on call 24/7.

OpenAI is a company based in San Francisco and was founded in 2015 by a group of investors, entrepreneurs and AI (artificial intelligence) researchers—including Elon Musk.


ChatGPT is the latest iteration of OpenAI's GPT machine-learning language models, which have been in development since 2018. These models have been designed to mimic the way humans use language by learning from massive amounts of text data (from the internet and other sources) and generating responses that are contextually appropriate and grammatically correct.

One of the things that sets ChatGPT apart from other digital assistants like Siri or Alexa is its ability to understand and respond to a wider range of human language, including idioms, slang and cultural references. This can make interactions with ChatGPT feel more like talking to a real person.


You ask it questions and/or have conversations with it using your computer (or mobile phone's) keyboard.

With its keyboard-based interface, ChatGPT is a simple and convenient way to get the information and assistance you need, without the need for specialized hardware or voice commands. Whether you're at home on your computer or out and about with your mobile device, ChatGPT is quickly accessible.

ChatGPT can provide step-by-step instructions and guidance on a wide range of tasks, from changing the oil in your car, repairing a chipped floor tile, to removing a splinter.

It can also provide information and support on a wide range of topics from cooking and gardening to finance and technology (and even HTML coding—which I've already used on the Memory Brothers' website!)

Where can you download this amazing digital assistant? ChatGPT is available for free by clicking on Einstein at the top of this article.


After I downloaded ChatGPT a week ago, I put it through a rigorous test by engaging in a spirited theological/philosophical debate.

Just a heads-up, my discussion with ChatGPT challenges some traditional beliefs and gets a little esoteric. But if you're curious about how well ChatGPT engages in a robust debate, you just might find the following fascinating.
Doug's Christianity discussion with OpenAI ChatGPT 2/10/23

Doug: Explain Christianity in 100 words or less.

OpenAI: Christianity is a monotheistic religion based on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It teaches that Jesus is the son of God and the savior of humanity, and that through belief in him and acceptance of his sacrifice, people can have eternal life. Christians believe in the Holy Trinity, consisting of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and follow the Bible as their guide for worship and living. With over 2 billion followers, Christianity is the largest religion in the world and has had a profound impact on art, culture, philosophy, and politics.

Doug: Explain this answer as though speaking to a 10-year-old.

OpenAI: Okay, so imagine you have a best friend named Jesus. A long, long time ago, people believed that Jesus was actually sent to Earth by a big, powerful, loving God to help us. They say that Jesus died for our mistakes and rose back to life, so if we believe in him and try to be good like he was, we can go to heaven and be with God forever when we die. There are a lot of stories and rules in a special book called the Bible that tell us more about Jesus and how to follow him. Lots of people all around the world believe in Jesus and call themselves Christians.

Doug: Explain what dying for our mistakes means.

OpenAI: When we make mistakes or do something wrong, it's like we've broken a rule or a law. And just like if you broke a rule or law, there's a consequence or a punishment that comes with it. For Christians, the consequence for our mistakes is that we can't be with God in heaven because God is perfect and holy and our mistakes separate us from him.

But Jesus loved us so much that he offered to take the punishment for us. He died in our place, taking the consequences for our mistakes so that we don't have to. And by believing in Jesus and what he did for us, we can have a relationship with God and go to heaven, even though we make mistakes. This is what Christians mean by dying for our sins.

Doug: If God is perfect, why didn't he make us perfect?

OpenAI: That's a great question! According to Christian belief, God did create humans to be perfect and to have a close relationship with him. However, humans chose to turn away from God and sin entered the world. Sin is when we do things that go against God's will, like lying, cheating, or hurting others. Because of sin, we are not perfect and we make mistakes.

God, in his love and mercy, sent Jesus to save us and to bring us back into a right relationship with him. So, in a sense, God is making us perfect again through Jesus, but it is up to us to choose to accept his offer of salvation and to follow him.

The idea is that God gave us free will, or the ability to choose, because he loves us and wants us to love him freely, rather than just because we have to. But because of that free will, we sometimes make choices that separate us from God and lead to imperfection.

Doug: If God made us perfect, then by "turning away from God" we showed that we were NOT perfect. Explain the discrepancy.

OpenAI: That's a good point!  . . . continue reading



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